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Int 21 Fn 5D0A  - DOS 3.1+ - Set Extended Error Information                [D]

   AX = 5D0Ah
   DS:DX -> 11-word DOS parameter list (see AX=5D00h)

Return: nothing.  next call to AH=59h will return values from fields AX,BX,CX,
     DX,DI, and ES in corresponding registers

Notes: documented for DOS 5+, but undocumented in earlier versions
   the MS-DOS Programmer's Reference incorrectly states that this call was
     introduced in DOS 4, and fails to mention that the ERROR structure
     passed to this function is a DOS parameter list.
BUG:   DR-DOS 3.41 and 5.0 read the value for ES from the DS field of the DPL;
     fortunately, MS-DOS ignores the DS field, allowing a generic routine
     which sets both DS and ES fields to the same value

See Also: AH=59h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson